Creating an Effective Energy Efficiency Plan for Commercial & Industrial Facilities
There are three key elements to building an effective energy efficiency plan.

Long-term energy efficiency goes beyond technology. Sustainable operations require a culture with an energy-reduction mindset and a focus on consumption reduction goals. Most employees want to do their part to cut costs and reduce energy-related emissions, but they needed direction, training, resources, incentives, recognition and rewards. So what framework is needed to begin and administer an organizational energy-management culture? 

Start at the Top

The most successful approach to creating an energy efficiency plan begins with a commitment from management. This typically starts with simple statement of what is to be achieved such as reducing carbon emissions or being strong environmental stewards. Once this essence is established and agreed upon, endorsement and internal publication of the energy policy begins. Endorsement by senior management, recognizing and praising energy-related achievements and consistent communications related to the energy motto are key for continued success.


Once an energy efficiency plan is in place, a leadership team should be appointed that represents a solid cross-section of the organization in terms of job function and geography. This team is responsible for both establishing reduction metrics and tracking measurable energy reduction goals such as percentage reductions or absolute reductions, water- and sewer-use savings or increased equipment production capacity and reliability.


Energy efficiency plans need to be supported by data. The two basic types of energy-saving-initiative measurements are metered and calculated. In a perfect world, all energy savings would be metered. The cost of metering the exact savings can be cost prohibitive to implement. Conversely, calculated savings had an added complication of making adjustments for effects of year-to-year production activity, weather-related energy usage and/or other variables to be truly accurate.

One solution to this dilemma is an energy monitoring system. For example, tekWorx Xpress® monitors energy performance, equipment operation and associated energy costs daily, month and yearly and presents this data in an easy-to-read dashboard. Xpress® also offers real-time energy performance comparison and efficiency ranking, providing instant insight energy use a portfolio’s collective energy profile and how each site ranks relative to the efficiency of the others. 

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